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Regulation on Data Collection for Energy Consumption of Ships

From: Maritime Safety Administration of PRC
Keypoint: This Regulation applies to ships, entering or leaving the ports in China, of 400 gross tonnage and above or powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power and above.
Applicate ports: country:China
Effective Date: 01 / Jan / 2019
Chapter 1 General Provision
Article 1 This Regulation lays down rules for the collection of ship energy consumption data, in order to promote the reduction of CO2 emissions, in accordance with Regulation of People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Marine Environment Pollution Caused by Ships and Their activities and related international conventions which China has acceded to.
Article 2 This Regulation applies to ships, entering or leaving the ports in China, of 400 gross tonnage and above or powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power and above.
This Regulation does not apply to warships or fishing ships.
Article 3 Maritime Safety Administration of People’s Republic of China (China MSA) is responsible for ship energy consumption data aggregation and information management.
Branches of China MSA are responsible for supervision and inspection of data collection and report in respective districts.
Organizations duly authorized by China MSA (the authorized organizations) are responsible for audit of part 2 of Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) and data verification regarding international navigation ships flying the flag of China.
Article 4 Ships shall submit Data Report Format for the Energy Consumption of Ships in compliance with this Regulation.

Chapter 2 Data Collection and Report
Article 5 Seagoing ships shall report energy consumption data of last voyage to MSA before leaving a port.
Article 6 A seagoing ship could submit monthly report to MSA instead of voyage report if it is subject to one of the following conditions:
(1) sailing in fixed region and the time underway per voyage is 4 hours or less; or
(2) sailing on fixed route and the time underway per voyage is 12 hours or less.
Article 7 A seagoing ship which plans to submit a monthly report shall record the energy consumption data daily or of each voyage on logbook or specified record book. Such ship shall report the aggregated data of last calendar month to the fixed branch of China MSA of related port of call before the 10th of each month.
The branch of China MSA which received the report shall determine whether the ship is in line with Article 6. If so, the branch of China MSA shall accept the report and inform other related branches of China MSA.
Article 8 Inland ships shall record the energy consumption data daily or of each voyage on logbook or specified record book. Those ships shall report the aggregated data of last calendar year to the branch of China MSA of port of registry before 1 April of each year.
Article 9 If a specified record book is used for data recording, this book shall be kept on board the ship for a period of 1 year after the last entry has been made and be readily available for verification and inspection.
Article 10 Ships shall report the required data via maritime information platform maintained by China MSA.

Chapter 3 Additional Requirements for International Navigation Ships
Article 11 This Chapter applies to international navigation ships flying the flag of China of 5000 gross tonnage and above (the international ships).
Except for the events of transfer of a ship from one Administration to another or change from one company to another, report period in this chapter means calendar year, i.e. the period from 1 January until 31 December.
Article 12 The international ships shall submit SEEMP to the authorized organizations for audit. If the SEEMP is in compliance with Convention, the authorized organizations shall issue a Conformation of Compliance.
Article 13 The international ships shall collect and record energy consumption data and reported the data of last report period to the authorized organizations before 1 April of each year.
Article 14 In the event of transfer of a ship from the flag of China to another, the ship shall report the data collected before the day of completion of the transfer in 3 months.
In the event of transfer of a ship from another flag to the flag of China, the ship shall report the data collected since the day of completion of the transfer before 1 April of next year.
Article 15 In the event of change of a ship from one company to another, the ship shall report the data collected before the day of completion of the change in 3 months and report the data collected since the day of completion of the change before 1 April of next year.
Article 16 The authorized organizations shall verify ship energy consumption data. A Statement of Compliance related to fuel oil consumption reporting shall be issued if the data is reported in accordance with this Regulation.
Article 17 The authorized organizations shall report the data of the international ships to China MSA before 1 May of each year.

Chapter 4 Supervision and Inspection
Article 18 Branches of China MSA shall supervise and inspect the collection and report of ship energy consumption data in respective districts.
Article 19 China MSA shall inspect the work of the authorized organizations on SEEMP audit, data verification and certification at regular intervals.
Article 20 If branches of China MSA find a ship which has submitted a monthly report is not in line with Article 6, they should urge the ship to submit voyage report according to this Regulation and inform the related branches of China MSA

Chapter 5 Supplementary Provisions
Article 21 Voyage means sailing, berth and operation of a ship during two contiguous ports of call, starting with the time of last berth and ending with the time of this berth.
Ship energy consumption data means information related to energy consumption of a ship, including ship particulars, data on transport work and fuel consumption.
Article 22 This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 January 2019.


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