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40 Years of Serving the Maritime Industry: Marintec China 2019 to be held in Shanghai in December

26 / Nov / 2019

Known as the beacon of international maritime technology development, the 40th anniversary celebration of Marintec China will be held at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre from 3-6 December promises to be another great edition providing a hub for both exhibitors and visitors with valuable experiences to exchange knowledge, to explore and optimise business opportunities.

Marintec China made its debut at the beginning of the China Reform and Opening-up and is held once every two years in Shanghai in an odd-numbered year. To date, 19 consecutive editions of Marintec China have been organized with huge success. It has been growing steadily over the past 40 years. Marintec China is participating in and witnessing the changes of China shipbuilding industry. Act as a bridge between Chinese and international maritime sector, Marintec China plays a pro-active role in advancing Chinese and foreign exchanges and cooperation in marine technology, economic and trade cooperation, ship financing, safety and insurance, rules and regulations, environmental protection and other areas.

After 40-years’ development, Marintec China has become one of the largest and influential exhibitions in the world.

As the growth of global shipping trade slowed down this year, the international shipbuilding market could not be optimistic. New ships delivered in the first half year decreased by more than 50% compared with that of last year. Benefiting from the new rules and new technologies as well as positive stimulation of market adjustment, marine market industrial integration and Asia-Pacific market development, Marintec China 2019 has achieved a positive growth. More than 2,100 exhibitors and over 65,000 professional visitors are to be expected. The exhibition area will exceed 90,000 square meters. Marintec China have confidence that the scale of them will be bigger than the last edition.

As at 31 July, 15 national/regional pavilions had been confirmed to attend. They are Austria, Mainland China, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong SAR, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, Taiwan Region, UK and USA (by alphabetical order).

In this edition, the highlights of Marintec China will have smart shipping, luxury cruise ships, gas carriers and green products.

The Senior Maritime Forum held concurrently with the Exhibition will have the theme of “Innovation, Intelligence and Fusion”. The forum will be held in Kerry Hotel Pudong on December 2-5. They are “Keynote Address”, “Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering”, “Shipping & Ports”, “Marine Finance and Law” and “Marine Equipment Technology” as well as “Cruise Interiors”. Among those sessions, “Shipping & Ports” will focus on smart shipping. Most of the smart shipping stakeholders are invited, such as ship owners, harbor authorities, logistics providers, shipbuilders, system and platform designers, data analysis companies, rules and regulations producers and international organizations, to have in-depth discussions on the current situation, bottlenecks and future development. For the “Marine Equipment Technology” session, it will focus on the application of intelligent technologies, cross-border technologies etc. In sum, “intelligence” is the key word that link up the entire forum.

“Smart Ship” had a brilliant debut at Marintec China 2017. The “intelligence” has penetrated into all the maritime fields over the past two years. In this edition, it evolves from concept to products such as the demonstrations of related devices, systems and platforms. From the existing exhibitor news, one of the hot product highlights is the 5G application in marine industry.

The construction and interior of cruise ships is another focal point in Marintec China 2019. For the Cruise Interiors, there will be a dedicated exhibition zone named “Marintec Interiors” in Hall N4, featuring “The Deck”, “The Reception”, “Cabin and Suite”, “Bar and Restaurant”, “The Theatre” and “Recreation and Relaxation”. In “Marintec Interiors”, major design and construction parties, contractors and subcontractors, classification societies and supporting enterprises are invited. Many open seminars focusing on the cruise shipbuilding market in Asia as well as daily happy hours for industry professional networking.

Meanwhile, “Cruise Interiors” session is in the Senior Maritime Forum. Renowned international experts will be invited to share their views from the different aspects of aesthetic design, project management, construction technology, safety specifications etc.

Besides, LNG fuel system, ballast water treatment system, desulfurization device and other environmental products will be highlighted.

Apart from the Senior Maritime Forum and the exhibition, many associations and enterprises will host almost a hundred of separate forums, technical exchanges, product launches, signing ceremonies and award ceremonies during the event period.


被誉为国际海事业技术发展趋势的风向标,本年度全球最具影响力和规模的海事专业会展——2019 年中国国际海事会展将于今年 12 3 日至 6 日在上海举办,这是该会展创办 40 周年的重要节日。

中国国际海事会展创办于改革开放之初,每逢单年底在上海举办,至今已连续成功举办了 19 届。40 年来,中国国际海事会展不断发展壮大,参与和见证了中国船舶工业从落后到跻身世界造船大国、建设造船强国的发展历程。作为中国与国际海事界寻求全方位、多层次合作的桥梁和纽带,国际海事界了解中国船舶与海洋工程装备、航运、港口等产业的重要窗口,中国国际海事会展为中外海事技术、经贸合作、船舶融资、安全保险、规范规则、环境保护等领域的沟通和合作起到了积极的促进作用。 经过 40 年的发展,中国国际海事会展已成为全球最具规模和影响力的两大海事会展之一。

今年以来,全球海运贸易增势进一步放缓,国际船市不容乐观,2019 年上半年全球新船市场成交量同比减少超过 50%。但得益于新技术、新规范的有效推动,加上市场调整和产业整合对船海市场的正向刺激,以及亚太市场的发展潜力,本届中国国际海事会展仍得到可喜的持续发展。本届会展预计将吸引超过 2100 家参展企业和 65000 多名专业观众,展览面积也将超过 90000 平方米,与上届相比,三项数据均有望提升,再创新高。充分体现了中国国际海事会展的行业影响力。 截至 7 月底,已确认的国家/地区展团为 15 个,分别是奥地利、丹麦、芬兰、德国、日本、韩国、荷兰、挪威、新加坡、瑞典、英国、美国、中国,以及中国香港和台湾地区。其他还有约 30 个国家和地区的独立展商参展,几乎所有的行业巨头和知名企业都将亮相本届会展。 作为行业热点,智能航运、豪华邮轮、气体船,以及绿色技术产品都将是本届中国国际海事会展的亮点。

与展览同期举办的高级海事论坛,今年主题为“创新 智能 融合”,聚焦智能航运、跨界及产业链融合,着力推动行业创新。本届论坛将于 12 2 日至 5 日在毗邻展馆的上海浦东嘉里大酒店举行,除继续设“主题报告”、“造船和海洋工程”、“航运和港口”、“海事金融与法律”和“配套设备技术”专场外,还特别增设特色论坛“邮轮内装”专场。其中,“航运和港口”专场聚焦“智能航运”,将邀请在智能航运有所作为的知名船东、港口管理方、物流服务商、造船企业、系统平台设计单位、数据分析公司、标准规范制定方、国际组织等相关各方,共同探讨行业的现状、瓶颈和未来发展。“配套设备与技术”专场将聚焦“智能相关技术的应用”、“跨界技术融合”等。本届论坛意图从产业链的不同环节梳理“智能”对全产业链的应用和影响。

2017 年的第 19 届中国国际海事会展上,“智能船舶”大放异彩,两年来,“智能” 的概念已深入海事业的各个领域。在本届展览中,我们将有机会看到更多相关设备、系统和平台的展示。从目前参展企业报名情况来看,5G 在海事业的应用也将是本届会展值得关注的展示内容之一。

邮轮建造和内装是本届会展的另一焦点,为了突出后者,本届会展将在 N4 馆特别设置内装展区,并搭建体验区,包含休闲娱乐、剧院、餐饮、舱室、甲板和接待等六大区域。届时,各大设计建造单位、总包和分包商、船级社、配套企业都将在该区域组织签约、技术交流和商务对接活动。


此外,LNG 动力系统、压载水处理系统、脱硫装置等环保产品也将是本届会展各大相关企业的展示重点。


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